Student Attendance
Please Note: Absences older than two week cannot be excused.
To excuse your student’s absence, please email . Include your student’s name, student number and the exact dates/class periods to be excused. Be aware that the sender’s email must match the parent email in PowerSchool exactly. If it does not, the request will not be processed, and a notice will be sent to the parent email on file. This email may not be used to check out students early from school. Students are required by law to attend all classes, every day.
Any student who needs to leave during the day must be checked out of school through the Office or you can call 10 minutes before, and we will call your student down. Students who leave class without being properly checked out may be considered truant and marked as such.
Valid reasons for excusal, as defined by Utah State Law and District policy are:
- Physical or mental illness.
- A medical appointment.
- A family event/death.
- Observance of a religious holiday.
- Approved school activity.
Any request received after 2:30 will be processed the next school day.
If you believe your student was marked absent in error, reach out to your student’s teacher directly. The Attendance office will not change an absence without written confirmation from the teacher.
If you have any questions, please contact our Attendance Secretary: Cristyna Ramos at 801.481.4810 ext. 1007.
Contacts and Resources
Cristyna Ramos
801.481.4810 ext. 1007
Codes used in PowerSchool:
- L = up to 15 minutes late to class
- T = more than 15 minutes late to class
- A = Unexcused Absence: missed 45 minutes (or more) of a class period
- E = Excused Absence (A)
- R = Field Trips